Event Registration

Individuals and groups can do bold and inspiring things to raise money for Rural Neighborhoods. You can join them. 100% of the money you raise changes the lives of persons in need. Let’s get started!
Create your own fundraiser and ask friends and family to donate. You can do pretty much anything to raise funds for community change — give up your birthday, run a race, have a yard sale or do something incredibly odd and unusual!
Pledge your birthday!
The first step is simple – just pledge your birthday by clicking Register an Event and share your pledge to let the world know you’re serious. When your birthday is near, we’ll remind you to start a fundraising campaign and ask your friends to donate to change the lives of persons in need for your big day.
Just think — what if all the people we knew gave at least one birthday to help change poor communities? We could really make a big difference!
Go the Distance!
It’s too hot, too humid in south Florida and the mosquitos or alligators may just eat you. So instead of running, biking, swimming (or just walking) in our (non-existent) 10K, Bike Centennial or Triathlon, enter an event you truly love for us and register at Register an Event! Use all the networking tools at your disposal (Facebook, email, social events and word of mouth, etc.) to ask people in your network to learn about Rural Neighborhoods. Have ‘em pledge dollars to your ride, run or swim. Out of shape? Take pledges on a 4th of July hot dog contest. That counts too.
Go the distance! Determined, passionate effort is something we put forth each day as we try to change the world.
Gone for Good!
Time to clean out the house, garage or attic! (Otherwise, you just might end up on Hoarders™). Heck, get your friends and neighbors to join in too! We know you’ve really been meaning to do it. It’s hard to get motivated. But it’s more rewarding when all that stuff contributes to GOOD. Sign up at Register an Event and donate the proceeds of that spring cleaning to Rural Neighborhoods and our work in poor communities.
Your spouse will thank you. We will thank you.
Incredibly Odd and Unusual
Invent your own inspiring and adventurous fundraising event! Shave your beard (or grow it) or create a flash mob fundraiser. Tell us about your idea at Register an Event (and we’ll get our lawyers to sign off too). The best events of the year will be showcased online.