Tools for Advocates

You have the right to express your opinion. Take a look at other ways you can take action to improve the lives of working families. Some take just a few seconds and some a bit longer. Remember, your action makes a difference!
Call Your Elected Officials
When the phone rings in the office of an elected official, a legislator is forced to notice! You can telephone your Members of Congress by dialing (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the office of your legislator. Once connected to the right office, ask to speak to the staff member who works on the issue of concern. Have in mind a specific request like “please vote for… or against” a position. Read our Tips for Calling Your Legislator
Send a Letter to Your Elected Officials
Personalized letters are well received by elected officials. They know it takes time to write a letter with a well-thought out message. Read our Tips for Writing to Your Legislator before you sit down to write.
Email Your Elected Officials
Sending an email to your elected officials is a quick and easy way to let them know you demand they commit to helping working families in exchange for your vote. Follow the same tips in sending a letter.
Meet with Your Elected Officials
Personal meetings with your elected official can be a very effective way to persuade that official to support our cause. It is an opportunity for you or your group to sit down face-to-face with a key decision-maker and convey your thoughts on an issue. View our Tips for Setting Up In-District Meetings